If I knew you were coming…

If you haven’t guessed already, I love baking! So when my friends or family come over to visit I tend to bake something or another 🙂

Most of the time it’s a classic Victoria sponge, which is nice with a mug of green tea or normal tea, whichever ha! Other times I like to do something different, like my honey and nut cake or chocolate melting cake or pretty little cupcakes. Continue reading

Baking With A Genius

Since I started baking my little sister has been asking me to “teach” her how to bake cakes. She’s very persistent for a 9 year old so just before her 9th birthday I decided to bake cupcakes with her.
Obviously everything had to be pink and “girly” so I went out and bought some pink and purple icing pens, edible pearls and sugar crafted roses.
She came over that afternoon, extremely excited! I was a little scared about baking with her, I’ve never done baking with kids so I was not prepared for the mess and the bossiness! 

Continue reading

The Return


It’s been a while and I am now back to share more lovely cakes! 🙂

For my first post in a while I thought I’d announce a few things…

1. My baking business is well on it’s way and I’m now looking for a place of my own to set up!
2. I’ve been doing more experimenting and I’ve come up with a lot of cool baking techniques to share!
3. I have a 25% off summer discount on all my cakes! So everyone in the Midlands take advantage until 1st July 2013!

Hope you’re looking forward to what’s to come 🙂

Happy baking!

French Perfection Part Deux

I know I’ve already done a blog on my French favourite, Strawberry Gateaux however, I received another order for it and this time I used a Genoise sponge, with thanks to Eric Lanlard.
For the sponge (dependent on the amount of layers you want the Gateaux to have): Continue reading

My Friends In A Cake

I love experimenting with different ingredients and finding the best ones that compliment each other and excite my taste buds.

However, I believe taste is only one of the major factors when baking.

It is said that we also taste through smell and if the food is appealing to the eye we are more inclined to taste it.

This cake I baked had the sweetness of honey and strawberries smothered in vanilla, Continue reading

Recipe For One-Bowl Chocolate Cake

The Olympic Torch is in Birmingham today and I’ve been thinking all week, if I could represent Birmingham with a cake, what cake would it be?

The answer is, a chocolate cake!


Well, we have history with the Cadbury Family in Birmingham and the Bournville chocolate brand too. Plus we are home to the amazing Cadbury World!

I did say that I’ll keep all the recipes healthy and this one is surprisingly low calorie. If that’s not good enough, it supposedly only uses one bowl for the preparation of the cake, meaning less washing up! 😀

So here it is, a low calorie, indulgent, Olympics inspired chocolate cake!

Continue reading

Recipe For Wholesome, Homemade Fruit Loaf

Day 3 of my healthy recipe sharing and this particular one is a family favourite. Me, my mother and my grandmother LOVE fruit loaf!

I had to browse the internet and cook books for recipes most like the way I bake my fruit loaf but with measurements as I don’t always measure my ingredients because I like to experiment in the kitchen. This recipe is the most similar, simplest and probably the tastiest that I could find.

So here it is…the recipe for a lovely fruit loaf! Enjoy 🙂 Continue reading

Recipe For “Oh-So-Good” Granola Bars

So my second Olympic inspired, healthy recipe this week is not a cake of any kind but I did say I’ll be sharing recipes for “baked goods”. 😉

I was introduced to granola bars by my boyfriend, who is a big fan of them, and I love them. A granola bar with ice cold milk for breakfast or as a snack is amazing! However, a lot of shop bought granola bars are high in sugar, fat and carbs.

Here’s a recipe that is low fat, low sugar and low carb 🙂

Makes: 24 bars (Though this is only a recommended serving, I doubt I’d be able to get that many out of an 8×8 pan so go by your own judgment or just double the recipe and use a bigger pan)

Prep time: 10 minutes

Cook time: 35 minutes

Ingredients: Continue reading

Recipe For Courgette and Seed Muffins

So it’s 3 days until the Olympic Torch is in my hometown and today is the first day of my Olympic inspired, healthy recipe sharing.

I came across this recipe from the famous Eric Lanlard’s-Baking Mad with Eric Lanlard. I wonder if this can make a healthy breakfast for those athletes? If not, it’s a healthy enough breakfast for me! 🙂

Ingredients:  Continue reading